748 results
Consultation on Modernising Agricultural Tenancies
The Agricultural Holdings Act (AHA) applies to agricultural tenancies entered into before 1 September 1995 and also applies to certain tenancies granted after that date. The changes to secondary legislation considered in this consultation apply to agricultural tenancy agreements governed by the AHA. The consultation seeks views on updating the regulation on the repair and maintenance of fixed equipment (which was made in 1973 and amended in 1988) by including items now in common use. We... MoreOpened 18 August 2014 -
Pet travel: changes to the EU scheme
Defra, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are inviting views from stakeholders and members of the public on new regulations that will enforce directly applicable European Union (EU) changes to the pet travel scheme. The main requirements of the pet travel scheme will not change, but a number of new controls will be introduced to increase levels of compliance and improve the security and traceability of the pet passport. Our preferred approach to enforcing these requirements... MoreOpened 4 August 2014 -
Proposal to change the brucellosis bulk milk tank sampling arrangements for producer-retailers
Defra are inviting views on a proposal to require producer-retailers to collect and submit bulk milk tank samples for Brucellosis testing. This is instead of the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) visiting these farms to collect the samples. Please see the consultation letter and impact assessment for further information. MoreOpened 31 July 2014 -
Water Industry: Changing the Specified Infrastructure Projects Regulations
We want to know what you think about proposed changes to the Water Industry (Specified Infrastructure Projects) (English Undertakers) Regulations 2013. These are also known as the SIP Regulations. The changes will affect Infrastructure Providers. These are independent companies licensed by the water regulator (Ofwat) to finance and deliver large or complex projects, like the Thames Tideway Tunnel. The proposed amendments would allow Ofwat to include conditions in an Infrastructure... MoreOpened 28 July 2014 -
The Flood Reinsurance Scheme - Regulations
The UK Government announced in June 2013 that it was taking forward the Flood Reinsurance Scheme (Flood Re) as the preferred approach to addressing the availability and affordability of flood insurance. The Flood Re Scheme will ensure that domestic property insurance continues to be widely available and affordable in areas of flood risk without placing unsustainable costs on wider policyholders or the taxpayer. Flood Re will provide transitional support to households at flood risk over a... MoreOpened 22 July 2014 -
Proposed enhancements to bovine TB cattle control measures: tackling cattle-to-cattle transmission
Defra is inviting views from stakeholders on the impacts of a proposal to abolish (with effect from 1 October 2014) the current TB pre-movement testing exemption for movements within Sole Occupancy Authorities (SOAs) situated in annual TB testing areas in England. Also included within this consultation are: A call for views on whether cattle keepers should be legally required to provide the TB history of their herd when selling stock; A call for views on compulsory... MoreOpened 11 June 2014 -
Reform of regulatory system to control small sewage discharges from septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants in England
Small sewage discharges: A new approach to how we regulate these in England Please see the outcomes and results of this consultation further down. We proposed (a) a simpler regulatory framework for the whole of England, and (b) a further deregulatory measure to move to a more risk-based approach to permitting. Our lives and livelihoods depend on a clean, healthy water environment. We are working to control and prevent pollution to protect people’s health and wellbeing, and the... MoreOpened 30 April 2014 -
Consultation on exotic diseases of pigs - new regulations
Defra, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are inviting views from stakeholders on proposals to introduce new regulations for the control of an outbreak of African swine fever, classical swine fever or swine vesicular disease in GB. The proposed legislation consolidates and simplifies the legislation for these three diseases by replacing eleven existing statutory instruments. The new regulations are clear and transparent about the measures to be taken, and also address some... MoreOpened 28 April 2014 -
IFCAs: Report to Parliament about Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities' conduct and operation
This is a Call for Evidence. Every four years, the Defra Secretary of State must prepare a report about the conduct and operation of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs). The report must be laid before Parliament. This first report will cover the period to the end of August 2014. MoreOpened 22 April 2014 -
Intended Abolition of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee
I am writing to invite views on Government proposals for the abolition of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee. Further detail on the consultation questions and background on HGTAC is at the end of this document. MoreOpened 14 April 2014 -
Consultation on Tuberculosis (TB) animal disease controls for deer and camelids.
This consultation sets out the Government’s proposals for consolidating the provisions of the GB-wide Tuberculosis (Deer) Orders in England. These Orders have already been revoked in Wales by Tuberculosis (Wales) Order S.I. 2011/692. Scottish Government’s intention for these Orders is to revoke and replace these Orders in due course. They comprise: The Tuberculosis (Deer) Order 1989 SI 1989 No 878 www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1989/878/article/9/made The Tuberculosis... MoreOpened 9 April 2014 -
Consultation on the applicability of integrated pollution prevention and control to onshore oil exploration activities
This consultation concerns the proposed amendment of the interpretation and application of Part A(1) of Section 1.2 of Part 2 of EPR Schedule 1. The proposal seeks to clarify that paragraph 4 of Part A(1)(h), the loading, unloading, handling or storage of, or physical, chemical or thermal treatment of crude oil, Stabilised crude petroleum, does not apply to activities for which a petroleum exploration and development licence has been issued by the Minister pursuant to the Petroleum Act 1998.... MoreOpened 7 April 2014 -
Common Fisheries Policy: Common Organisation of the Market (CMO) in fishery and aquaculture products
We are seeking views on the implementation of the marketing standards and labelling requirements under the Common Organisation of the Market (CMO) in fishery and aquaculture products. MoreOpened 31 March 2014 -
Common Fisheries Policy: Implementation of the pelagic landing obligation (discard ban) in England
Consultation Summary Seeking views on the proposed method to implement the pelagic landing obligation, also known as a discard ban, in England. Consultation description We are seeking views on how we should implement the pelagic landing obligation in England. The pelagic landing obligation is a ban on discarding of fish. All fish caught in pelagic fisheries must not be returned to the sea, except when subject to specific exemptions. The ban will come into force on 1 January... MoreOpened 31 March 2014 -
Triennial Reviews of the Science Advisory Council and the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment
On 25th March 2014, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for natural environment and science, Lord de Mauley, announced the start of the Triennial Reviews of the Science Advisory Council (SAC) and the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE). The Written Ministerial Statement announcing the Reviews and the Terms of Reference are included below. This is part of the government’s rolling programme of Triennial Reviews of public bodies to consider whether the... MoreOpened 25 March 2014 -
Implementing the Nagoya Protocol in the UK
We want to know what you think about how we propose to implement rules on the use of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in the UK. An international treaty called the ‘Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing for Genetic Resources’ was signed in 2011. In order to ratify this treaty the EU and the UK must set down new rules. These rules will require researchers who use genetic resources to be ‘duly diligent’ that they only use resources that have been... MoreOpened 17 March 2014 -
Consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Rural Development Programme – Environmental Report
Defra is undertaking a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the proposed new Rural Development Programme in England. This considers the impacts of the programme on the environment. To undertake this assessment a consultation on an Environmental Report is being published for consultation. A copy of the draft Rural Development Programme is also published alongside this document. The Environmental Report presents an assessment of the proposed Rural Development Programme in... MoreOpened 12 March 2014 -
A consultation on the National Pollinator Strategy: for bees and other pollinators in England
Defra is seeking views on a proposed national pollinator strategy for bees and other pollinators in England. The strategy sets out proposals to safeguard these important insects given their role in pollinating many food crops and wild plants and their contribution to our food production and the diversity of our environment. Bees and other pollinators face a wide range of environmental pressures and some species are threatened. Examples of pressures are: intensification of land-use and... MoreOpened 6 March 2014 -
Consultation on General and Class licences under wildlife legislation in England
Natural England is seeking views on a number of proposals and topics relating to the General and Class Licences issued under wildlife legislation. These licences are periodically reviewed, and Natural England consults with stakeholders and the general public on proposed changes and seeks views on broader topics.The themes of this consultation include: the management of conflict species; the trapping and welfare of animals; sale, exhibition and possession of... MoreOpened 24 February 2014 -
Consultation on the transposition in England and Wales of Articles 14(5)-(8) of the energy efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU)
The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED – 2012/27/EU) was adopted on 25 October 2012. It updates the EU’s legal framework for energy efficiency, pursuing the target of saving 20% of the EU’s primary energy consumption by 2020, and of making further energy efficiency improvements after 2020. The Directive also repeals and replaces the Energy Services Directive (ESD – 2006/32/EC) as well as the Cogeneration Directive (2004/8/EC). The EED provides specific actions to implement some of... MoreOpened 10 February 2014 -
Meat Products (England) Regulations 2014
This consultation is on the Government’s plans to revoke the Meat Products (England) Regulations 2003 (MPR 2003) and replace them with revised Meat Products (England) Regulations 2014 (MPR 2014). The aim is to retain the important consumer protections offered by the MPR 2003 whilst bringing the regulations into line with European legislation. The intent of the MPR 2014 is to ensure that meat products produced in England meet certain ingredient criteria. Business and consumer groups,... MoreOpened 23 January 2014 -
Abstraction Reform
Water Minister Dan Rogerson introducing the consultation on reforming the water abstraction management system: The impacts of abstracting water directly from rivers or aquifers can be wide-ranging. It can affect the environment, including important nature conservation sites, and public access to rivers for leisure purposes. Water is vital to the economy, for example, to generate power, run industries and grow food. Access to clean, safe and secure water supplies is... MoreOpened 17 December 2013 -
Glass Packaging Recycling: Proposed changes to Business Target
This consultation seeks your views on proposals by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland, to amend the glass recycling business target in the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013. New evidence indicates that the... MoreOpened 17 December 2013 -
Coastal access: Isle of Wight
A Consultation on an order for the Isle of Wight under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 was published by Defra on 24 July 2012. The consultation sought views on whether or not the Government should make an order under section 300(2)(b) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 so that the coastal access duty under that Act would apply in relation to the coast of the Isle of Wight. A Summary of responses to the consultation was published on 16 July 2013 which said: The Government... MoreOpened 11 December 2013 -
Red Tape Challenge: Alternatives to Waste Transfer Notes and other Aspects of Waste Regulations
The Red Tape Challenge stated that it is burdensome for some small businesses to fill in Waste Transfer Notes. In response the Government is proposing greater flexibility around Waste Transfer Notes as well as making two minor amendments to legislation relating to waste carrier registration and enforcement. The Consultation proposes; Clarifying the use of alternative documentation to record the written description of waste currently recorded on Waste Transfer Notes; ... MoreOpened 9 December 2013 -
Call for Views: Draft UK Report on the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
Decision I/5 on reporting requirements of the Kiev Protocol on Pollutant Releases and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) requires that Parties to the Protocol prepare a national implementation report. The Decision further requires that the report be prepared in consultation with the public. The draft report which is attached to this consultation has been prepared by Defra in consultation with the devolved administrations. We seek views on the content of the draft report including the public's... MoreOpened 6 December 2013 -
Thames Tideway Tunnel: Draft Reasons for Specifying the Project as a Specified Infrastructure Project and Issuing a Preparatory Work Notice
We are seeking views on the draft reasons for specifying the proposed Thames Tideway Tunnel as a Specified Infrastructure Project. This includes the draft reasons for issuing a Preparatory Work Notice for Thames Water Utilities Ltd. MoreOpened 4 December 2013 -
Proposals for new bovine TB control measures: tackling transmission between cattle herds
Defra is inviting views from stakeholders on proposals for new control measures to further reduce the risk of bovine TB transmission between cattle herds. We would welcome views from any individual or organisation that would be affected by, or are otherwise interested in, these proposals. The proposed new control measures are based on sound disease control principles, seek to build on the changes implemented in 2012 and 2013 and, if adopted, will reinforce the accelerated bovine TB... MoreOpened 28 November 2013 -
Reform of FRC Statutory Governance Structure
Reform of the governance, structure and operation of the Farriers Registration Council, the statutory regulator for the farriery profession Overview: This consultation presents our evidence to date on the importance of the Farriers (Registration) Act 1975 (FRA) and the need to remedy a number of deficiencies within it. It also outlines selected options to assist Farriers Registration Council (FRC), in its role as the statutory regulator of the farriery profession, to overcome some... MoreOpened 12 November 2013 -
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Defra is undertaking a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the proposed new Rural Development Programme in England. This considers the impacts of the programme on the environment. To undertake this assessment a consultation on ‘the scope and level of detail of the information’ that is likely to be required to assess the programme must be carried out with relevant ‘consultation bodies’ who, by reason of their specific environmental responsibilities, are likely to be... MoreOpened 31 October 2013
748 results.
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