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706 results

  • Proposed changes to the Control of Trade in Endangered Species Regulations

    In relation to the regulation of trade in endangered species in the United Kingdom (UK) we are seeking views on proposed changes to the legislation which helps to deliver our obligations arising from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). We are proposing to update the Control of Trade in Endangered Species (COTES) Regulations to reflect changes already established by the EU regulations which implement CITES in the UK, remove anomalies,... More
    Opened 10 February 2015
  • Consultation on the Second Tranche of Marine Conservation Zones

    This consultation is to seek your views on whether it would be appropriate to designate each of the 23 proposed Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in the second tranche and to add new features for conservation in 10 of the first tranche MCZs. MCZs, together with other types of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), will form the UK contribution to an international ecologically coherent network of MPAs and help to deliver the vision of clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans... More
    Opened 30 January 2015
  • Captive bred birds: changing how we regulate trading in England, Scotland and Wales

    To protect wild birds, which can be illegally taken from the wild for commercial gain, trade in captive bred birds is regulated in England, Scotland and Wales. This consultation concerns commonly kept smaller birds listed on Part 1 Schedule 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ( as amended ) and does not apply to game birds. Schedule 3 birds can be sold if they meet certain requirements e.g. are ringed. Some birds not listed on Schedule 3 can be sold by people relying on a... More
    Opened 28 January 2015
  • Consultation on amendments to the Government Guidance on the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009

    Batteries Regulations: consultation on amendments to the Government Guidance on the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009 to clarify the definition of what constitutes a “portable battery". The proposed amendment will provide a clearer framework to help interpretation of whether a battery “can be hand-carried by an average person without difficulty”. It will remove the 4kg -10kg “grey area” and state a clear weight limit to determine whether a battery can be “hand... More
    Opened 26 January 2015
  • Common Fisheries Policy: Implementation of the demersal landing obligation (discard ban) in England

    We are seeking your views on our proposals to implement the landing obligation in England for demersal fisheries. The landing obligation puts an end to the wasteful practise of discarding, thus preventing fish being thrown back into the sea, dead, after being caught. The phased introduction of a landing obligation, also known as a “discard ban”, was one of the key successes the UK Government secured in reforming the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The reform is designed to deliver... More
    Opened 23 January 2015
  • Marine Licensing: Recovery of Cases For SoS determination

    We are seeking your views on a proposal to enable the Secretary of State to recover certain marine licence decisions for her own determination. As well as strengthening the democratic process, the proposal may enhance the working arrangements between developers and local communities ensuring issues of local concern are resolved before a proposal reaches the marine licensing application stage. More
    Opened 14 January 2015
  • Review of Local Air Quality Management (England) - regulatory and guidance changes

    The purpose of this consultation is to invite views on our proposals to improve Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) delivery in England. This is a follow-up consultation to one issued in July 2013. This latest consultation contains a number of proposals to reduce regulatory and administrative burdens in line with commitments made under the Red Tape Challenge, and to improve the overall effectiveness of LAQM in dealing with current air quality challenges. The attached consultation... More
    Opened 19 December 2014
  • Implementing the new EU Flourinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations

    Implementing the new EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulation Summary: Seeking views on implementing provisions of the new EU F-gases regulation and on the assessment of impact on business. Detail: We want to know what you think about our plans to implement the main provisions of the [EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas regulations]( ) in the UK. We also want your views on our assessment of the cost of the new domestic legislation on... More
    Opened 16 December 2014
  • Consultation on the draft Control of Waste (Dealing with Seized Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015

    This consultation invites views on proposals for new Regulations on the seizure of vehicles in relation to offences concerning waste. The aim of the draft Control of Waste (Dealing with Seized Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 (the draft Regulations) is to help the Governments in England and Wales reduce illegal waste activity, including fly-tipping, by giving enforcement authorities (local authorities, the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales) more effective tools to... More
    Opened 15 December 2014
  • Consultation on proposed measures to implement elements of EU Regulation 1257/2013 on ship recycling relating to the authorisation of UK ship recycling facilities

    Seeking views on the measures required to establish the most appropriate approach for ensuring compliance with EU Regulation 1257/2013 on ship recycling. This is a joint consultation between Defra and the Department of Environment Northern Ireland and relates to the introduction of draft GB and draft Northern Ireland 2015 Regulations. The EU Regulation imposes an obligation on ship recycling facilities wishing to undertake recycling activities on ships that exceed 500 gross tonnes and flying... More
    Opened 10 December 2014
  • Retail exits reform: how we plan to implement new regulations

    The Water Act 2014 introduces reforms that will enable the water sector to deliver increased resilience, increased customer choice and support economic growth. An important part of these reforms is the extension of competition into the retail market for non-household water and sewerage services. This means that all non-household customers, such as businesses, charities and public sector organisations, will be able to switch from their local monopoly water company (the “undertaker”) to... More
    Opened 10 December 2014
  • Making flood defence consents part of the environmental permitting framework

    This is an invitation to give your views on various aspects of the Government’s proposals to integrate flood defence consents into the Environmental Permitting regime which has been launched today. The following listed documents may be found in the related documents section below and on Defra’s website at: Consultation document Annex 1; proposed exemptions Annex 2; proposed exclusions Impact Assessment These documents relate to this consultation by Department for... More
    Opened 10 December 2014
  • Designation of Rayrigg Meadow Windermere as a bathing water

    We have received an application from South Lakeland District Council for Rayrigg Meadow, Windermere to be designated as a bathing water under the Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC, revised by 2006/7/EC). Evidence in support of the application is set out in the consultation document, which also shows the location of the bathing area. More
    Opened 24 November 2014
  • Isles of Scilly Water Legislation Consultation

    Various key pieces of water legislation within England that protect public and environmental health do not apply to the Isles of Scilly (or have only been applied in part). Such legislative gaps mean that the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) and Environment Agency (EA) have no enforcement powers in relation to water on the islands. This means that residents on and visitors to the Isles of Scilly (IoS) may not enjoy the same level of public health and environmental protection as is available... More
    Opened 20 November 2014
  • Cornish Cyder Brandy Technical File consultation

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the draft technical file for Cornish Cyder Brandy, which will form the basis of a new application for a Cornish Cyder Brandy Geographical Indicaiton (GI). Cornish Cyder Brandy is currently produced by Healey’s Cornish Cyder Farm, who are responsible for the content of the draft technical file. Views are welcome from those with interests in the manufacture of spirit drinks in the UK, including retailers and consumer representatives. These... More
    Opened 28 October 2014
  • Possession of wild bird eggs: Establishing the grounds for an offence

    Possessing and taking wild birds’ eggs is an offence. However, until 2004, if a person charged with possessing wild birds’ eggs could show that the egg(s) had not been taken in contravention of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 they had a defence; known as the ‘Pre-1981 Defence’. In 2004, to comply with the EU Wild Birds Directive, Defra and the Welsh Government amended the definition of "wild bird” in the 1981 Act. This amendment also narrowed the defence to the... More
    Opened 14 October 2014
  • Introduction of a Points System for Fishing Vessel Masters

    The purpose of the consultation is to seek views on our proposals to introduce a new system of points against masters of fishing vessels who are found guilty of serious fisheries offences. The points system would see masters convicted in court of fisheries offences awarded a number of points, in addition to any penalties applied by the court. These points would work in a similar fashion to the points scheme that has operated for many years in the driving licence system. A series of... More
    Opened 8 October 2014
  • Reducing information requirements for the holding register of keepers of bovine animals in England

    This consultation is about a proposal to remove the requirement for keepers of bovine animals (cattle, bison and buffalo) in England to record the identification number of the dam (mother) in their holding register when they buy in or bring cattle on to their holding. Breeders will still have to record in their holding register the identification of the dam for calves born on their holding. The proposal is part of the Government’s Red Tape Challenge to reduce the regulatory burden to... More
    Opened 20 August 2014
  • Consultation on Modernising Agricultural Tenancies

    The Agricultural Holdings Act (AHA) applies to agricultural tenancies entered into before 1 September 1995 and also applies to certain tenancies granted after that date. The changes to secondary legislation considered in this consultation apply to agricultural tenancy agreements governed by the AHA. The consultation seeks views on updating the regulation on the repair and maintenance of fixed equipment (which was made in 1973 and amended in 1988) by including items now in common use. We... More
    Opened 18 August 2014
  • Pet travel: changes to the EU scheme

    Defra, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are inviting views from stakeholders and members of the public on new regulations that will enforce directly applicable European Union (EU) changes to the pet travel scheme. The main requirements of the pet travel scheme will not change, but a number of new controls will be introduced to increase levels of compliance and improve the security and traceability of the pet passport. Our preferred approach to enforcing these requirements... More
    Opened 4 August 2014
  • Proposal to change the brucellosis bulk milk tank sampling arrangements for producer-retailers

    Defra are inviting views on a proposal to require producer-retailers to collect and submit bulk milk tank samples for Brucellosis testing. This is instead of the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) visiting these farms to collect the samples. Please see the consultation letter and impact assessment for further information. More
    Opened 31 July 2014
  • Water Industry: Changing the Specified Infrastructure Projects Regulations

    We want to know what you think about proposed changes to the Water Industry (Specified Infrastructure Projects) (English Undertakers) Regulations 2013. These are also known as the SIP Regulations. The changes will affect Infrastructure Providers. These are independent companies licensed by the water regulator (Ofwat) to finance and deliver large or complex projects, like the Thames Tideway Tunnel. The proposed amendments would allow Ofwat to include conditions in an Infrastructure... More
    Opened 28 July 2014
  • The Flood Reinsurance Scheme - Regulations

    The UK Government announced in June 2013 that it was taking forward the Flood Reinsurance Scheme (Flood Re) as the preferred approach to addressing the availability and affordability of flood insurance. The Flood Re Scheme will ensure that domestic property insurance continues to be widely available and affordable in areas of flood risk without placing unsustainable costs on wider policyholders or the taxpayer. Flood Re will provide transitional support to households at flood risk over a... More
    Opened 22 July 2014
  • Proposed enhancements to bovine TB cattle control measures: tackling cattle-to-cattle transmission

    Defra is inviting views from stakeholders on the impacts of a proposal to abolish (with effect from 1 October 2014) the current TB pre-movement testing exemption for movements within Sole Occupancy Authorities (SOAs) situated in annual TB testing areas in England. Also included within this consultation are: A call for views on whether cattle keepers should be legally required to provide the TB history of their herd when selling stock; A call for views on compulsory... More
    Opened 11 June 2014
  • Reform of regulatory system to control small sewage discharges from septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants in England

    Small sewage discharges: A new approach to how we regulate these in England Please see the outcomes and results of this consultation further down. We proposed (a) a simpler regulatory framework for the whole of England, and (b) a further deregulatory measure to move to a more risk-based approach to permitting. Our lives and livelihoods depend on a clean, healthy water environment. We are working to control and prevent pollution to protect people’s health and wellbeing, and the... More
    Opened 30 April 2014
  • Consultation on exotic diseases of pigs - new regulations

    Defra, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government are inviting views from stakeholders on proposals to introduce new regulations for the control of an outbreak of African swine fever, classical swine fever or swine vesicular disease in GB. The proposed legislation consolidates and simplifies the legislation for these three diseases by replacing eleven existing statutory instruments. The new regulations are clear and transparent about the measures to be taken, and also address some... More
    Opened 28 April 2014
  • IFCAs: Report to Parliament about Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities' conduct and operation

    This is a Call for Evidence. Every four years, the Defra Secretary of State must prepare a report about the conduct and operation of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs). The report must be laid before Parliament. This first report will cover the period to the end of August 2014. More
    Opened 22 April 2014
  • Intended Abolition of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee

    I am writing to invite views on Government proposals for the abolition of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee. Further detail on the consultation questions and background on HGTAC is at the end of this document. More
    Opened 14 April 2014
  • Consultation on Tuberculosis (TB) animal disease controls for deer and camelids.

    This consultation sets out the Government’s proposals for consolidating the provisions of the GB-wide Tuberculosis (Deer) Orders in England. These Orders have already been revoked in Wales by Tuberculosis (Wales) Order S.I. 2011/692. Scottish Government’s intention for these Orders is to revoke and replace these Orders in due course. They comprise: The Tuberculosis (Deer) Order 1989 SI 1989 No 878 The Tuberculosis... More
    Opened 9 April 2014
  • Consultation on the applicability of integrated pollution prevention and control to onshore oil exploration activities

    This consultation concerns the proposed amendment of the interpretation and application of Part A(1) of Section 1.2 of Part 2 of EPR Schedule 1. The proposal seeks to clarify that paragraph 4 of Part A(1)(h), the loading, unloading, handling or storage of, or physical, chemical or thermal treatment of crude oil, Stabilised crude petroleum, does not apply to activities for which a petroleum exploration and development licence has been issued by the Minister pursuant to the Petroleum Act 1998.... More
    Opened 7 April 2014
706 results. Page 22 of 24