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706 results

  • Open access restriction at Weymouth Beach and Promenade (case number 2012056430)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 31 October 2017
  • Open access restriction at South Falstone (case number 2017088493)

    The Forestry Commission is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply... More
    Closed 24 October 2017
  • Open access restriction at Harwood Village (case number 2017088499)

    The Forestry Commission is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply... More
    Closed 24 October 2017
  • Updates to the public and private drinking water regulations 2017

    We are seeking views on proposed amendments to the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 (‘public regulations’) and the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 (‘private regulations’); known jointly as the drinking water regulations. The changes will only apply to England. The current regulations ('the 2016 Regulations') transpose the requirements of Council Directive 1998/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption (known as the ‘Drinking Water... More
    Closed 24 October 2017
  • Code of Practice for the welfare of meat chickens and meat breeding chickens

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on a new statutory Code of Practice for the Welfare of Meat Chickens and Meat Breeding Chickens, for England . The purpose of the existing statutory code is to provide owners and keepers of meat chickens and meat breeding chickens with guidance on how to comply with relevant welfare legislation. The existing code has not been updated since it was published in 2002. It does not reflect the additional rules relating to the welfare of... More
    Closed 6 October 2017
  • Open access restriction at Titchwell Nature Reserve (case number 2007040001)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 3 October 2017
  • Consultation on proposals to simplify surveillance testing in the High Risk Area of England and other disease control measures

    Bovine TB is the most pressing and costly animal health problem in the UK. The disease threatens our cattle industry and presents a risk to other livestock, as well as wildlife species, pets and humans.The Government remains determined to eradicate bovine TB. This is the latest in a series of consultation exercises aimed at introducing effective and proportionate TB control measures in cattle that will, when combined with measures to address the TB risk posed by badgers, increase the... More
    Closed 29 September 2017
  • Mandatory Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) recording in slaughterhouses

    The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on a proposal for mandatory CCTV recording in slaughterhouses for animal welfare purposes, in line with the Government's manifesto commitment. The objective of the proposal is to improve animal welfare in slaughterhouses and provide assurance that there is effective monitoring and verification of animal welfare standards in slaughterhouses. The proposal relates to the mandatory installation of CCTV equipment in all areas of approved... More
    Closed 21 September 2017
  • Open access restriction at Holme Bird Observatory (case number 2005040189)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 4 September 2017
  • Open access restriction at Holme Dunes Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT) (case number 2007080088)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 4 September 2017
  • Aarhus National Implementation Report 2017

    The UK is a Party to the Aarhus Convention, a UNECE treaty which provides for access to information, public participation in decision making and access to justice in environmental matters. More
    Closed 29 August 2017
  • Water supply and sewerage licensing: updating security and emergency measures directions

    Under section 208 of the Water Industry Act 1991 (“WIA 91”) , Defra’s Secretary of State and the Welsh Ministers can issue general or specific directions to water and sewerage undertakers (undertakers) and to water supply and/or sewerage licensees (licensees) in the interests of national security or to mitigate the effects of a civil emergency. To date two general directions have been issued: The Security and Emergency Measures (Water and Sewerage Undertakers) Direction 1998 –... More
    Closed 29 August 2017
  • Open access restriction at Marshalling Yard, East Dean (case number 2006030177)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 11 August 2017
  • Open access restriction at Brick Kiln Walks (case number 2007020104)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 11 August 2017
  • Open access restriction at Dunwich Heath (case number 2007020106)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 11 August 2017
  • Open access restriction at Westleton Heath (case number 2007020105)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 11 August 2017
  • Open access restriction at Walberswick Common and surrounding sites (case number 2007020109)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 11 August 2017
  • Mid Cornwall Moors SSSI

    Parts of the Mid Cornwall Moors were notified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) on 23 February 2017 recognising the national importance of the semi-natural habitats. You can submit your views via an online survey, by email or post. Before you submit your views, we recommend you read more about the notification. The Notification document can be found in the related documents section. More
    Closed 23 June 2017
  • Reducing litter: Penalties for environmental offences

    This consultation seeks your views on proposals by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to: Increase the levels for section 88 fixed penalties in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for littering and other environmental offences; Change the provision for how councils can use the income from fixed penalties for environmental offences; and Remove the requirement for the parish council enforcement officers to attend a specified training course.... More
    Closed 18 June 2017
  • Improving air quality: national plan for tackling nitrogen dioxide in our towns and cities

    The UK Government, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland are seeking views on a revised Plan to reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide around roads within the shortest possible time - the most immediate air quality challenge. This consultation applies to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It includes the consultation document; the draft UK Air Quality Plan for tackling... More
    Closed 15 June 2017
  • Open access restriction at Robin Hood Quarries (case numbers 2017028331 & 2017038361)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 26 May 2017
  • Consultation on changes to the identification of equines

    This consultation concerns the introduction of new equine identification regulations in England. It seeks views on our proposals for the implementation of the revised EU regulation on the rules for the identification of equines in England. This revised regulation, EU regulation 2015/262, came into effect throughout all European Member States on1 January 2016. It forms part of the EU Commission’s Five Point Action Plan on Food fraud which included a strengthening of the horse passport... More
    Closed 16 May 2017
  • Banning the landing of egg-bearing lobsters and crawfish in England

    Defra is seeking views on the proposal to ban the landing of egg-bearing (also known as ‘berried’) lobsters and crawfish in England. More
    Closed 15 May 2017
  • Proposal to remove Instow from the list of designated bathing waters

    The Bathing Water Regulations (S.I.2013/1675) protect bathers' health at popular beaches and inland waters by setting microbial standards for water quality and requiring it to be monitored during the bathing season for compliance with these standards. In England the bathing season runs from 15 May to 30 September. The Regulations apply to waters that are used by a large number of bathers and where bathing is supported and promoted. The list of bathing waters is reviewed annually. If a... More
    Closed 9 May 2017
  • Open access restriction at Dersingham Bog (case numbers 2006120054 & 2006120055)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 8 May 2017
  • Open access restriction at Furzy Cliff (case number 2012056428)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 21 April 2017
  • Open access restriction at Weymouth Beach and Promenade (case number 2012056430)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 21 April 2017
  • Open access restriction at Eweleaze Farm (case number 2012056425)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... More
    Closed 21 April 2017
  • The UK National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants - 2017

    The Stockholm Convention is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). These chemicals persist in the environment, can bioaccumulate and biomagnify in food chain organisms including humans and are toxic. They also have the potential to be transported long distances and are deposited far from their place of manufacture/release. The Convention requires that Parties adopt and introduce measures to reduce releases of POPs into the... More
    Closed 14 April 2017
  • Consultation on England Local Authority Environmental Permitting Fees and charges Scheme

    The Government has been conducting a review of Local Authority (LA) environmental permitting fees and charges for regulation of industrial plant in England. LAs regulate certain industrial facilities providing permits which set conditions to control, minimise or avoid local pollution and which set emission limits for certain activities. There are charges for granting or in certain cases for varying a permit and annual substance fees levied by LAs on permitted operators. The fees and charges... More
    Closed 13 April 2017
706 results. Page 18 of 24