Designation of Manor Steps beach, Bournemouth as a bathing water
We have received an application from Bournemouth Borough Council for Manor Steps beach in Bournemouth to be designated as a bathing water under the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC). Bathing waters are beaches or inland waters that are popular for bathing, where the Environment Agency monitors the water quality between May and September each year.
The consultation document includes a map showing the location of the proposed bathing water and evidence in support of its designation.
Why your views matter
We would welcome your views on whether Manor Steps should be added to the list of designated bathing waters.
Consultees can respond using the online survey (please see below).
Replies can be sent by post to:
Bathing Water Team
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Area 3D Nobel House
17 Smith Square
London SW1P 3JR
or by email to
Please tell us your views on the proposal and the reasons or evidence to support your views.
- Environmental campaigners
- Recreation sector
- Water/water Industry sector
- Families
- Leisure industry
- Tourism industry
- Beach Users
- Water quality
- Bathing waters
- Sewerage
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