The importing, batch testing and batch releasing of veterinary medicines in Great Britain

Closed 15 Jun 2023

Opened 18 May 2023

Results updated 28 May 2024

An update is to be provided shortly - we apologise for the delay.


This consultation sets out proposals to update the regulations for batch testing and batch releasing of imported veterinary medicines. The Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) were amended after EU Exit to reflect the UK’s independence from the EU. We now wish to improve the regulations (as they apply in Great Britain) and seek your views on the proposals. Changes will then form part of the wider changes to the VMR (see the separate consultation here, which closed on 31 March 2023).

This consultation relates to Great Britain only. As set out in the Windsor Framework, the current arrangements for batch testing and release for products supplied to Northern Ireland will continue through to 2025 to allow time for a long-term solution to be established. During this time, medicines batch tested and released in Great Britain or the European Union do not need to be repeat batch tested/released when supplied to Northern Ireland. Medicines batch tested/released in Northern Ireland do not need to be repeat batch tested/released on supply to Great Britain.

We will amend and supplement the VMR as they apply in Great Britain using the powers in Part 3 of the Medicines and Medical Devices Act 2021. We are using these powers as this proposal is intended to ensure the continued availability of veterinary medicines, which will promote the health and welfare of animals. This consultation is conducted in line with the consultation requirement in section 45(1) of the Act.


  • Veterinarians
  • Retail Industry
  • Manufacturing Industry
  • SME businesses
  • Stakeholders


  • Animals