751 results
Consultation on Amending Poultry Meat Marketing Regulations - England & Scotland
This consultation seeks views on potential changes to the assimilated Poultry Meat Marketing Standards Regulation ( No. 543/2008) . The potential changes on which views are sought cover two areas: First, a proposal to amend the 12-week derogation period that would enable free-range poultry meat to be labelled as such for the duration of any mandatory housing measure which would restrict birds' access to open-air runs, such as those that were in force in some... MoreOpened 21 October 2024 -
Open access restriction at Ros Hill (case number 2004120055)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 16 October 2024 -
Consultation on a WEEE Compliance Fee Methodology 2024
The UK Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013 establish a system in which producers of equipment are required to finance the cost of collection, treatment, recovery and recycling of WEEE arising from private households. The WEEE Regulations establish a system of annual collection targets that are imposed on producer compliance schemes (PCSs). The Secretary of State has discretionary powers to approve a compliance fee methodology as an alternative form of compliance... MoreOpened 14 October 2024 -
Consultation on the proposed Queen Scallop Fisheries Management Plan
The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed queen scallop Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) in English waters, its policies and proposed measures. We are also seeking your views on the likely environmental effects of the FMP, as set out in the environmental report. The queen scallop FMP sets out a pathway to the long-term sustainable management of the queen scallop fisheries in English waters. The FMP sets out goals for the fishery, and short- and long-term... MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Consultation on the proposed Southern North Sea and Channel Skates and Rays Fisheries Management Plan
The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed Southern North Sea and Channel skates and rays Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), its policies and proposed actions and measures. We are also seeking your views on the likely environmental effects of the FMP, as set out in the environmental report. As set out in the JFS, FMPs are to be developed for those stocks that are of social and economic importance, at risk of significant over-exploitation and have an... MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Consultation on the proposed Southern North Sea Demersal Non-Quota Species Fisheries Management Plan
The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed Southern North Sea demersal non-quota species Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), its policies and proposed actions and measures. We are also seeking your views on the likely environmental effects of the Southern North Sea demersal non-quota species FMP, as set out in the environmental report. 13 demersal NQS were prioritised for an FMP due to their vulnerability to over-exploitation, the economic value of the... MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Consultation on the proposed North Sea and Channel Sprat Fisheries Management Plan
The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed North Sea and Channel sprat Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), its policies and proposed actions. We are also seeking your views on the likely environmental effects of the FMP, as set out in the environmental report. The sprat FMP sets out a pathway to the long-term sustainable management of the sprat fisheries in English and Scottish waters. The FMP sets out goals for the fishery, and short and long-term actions to... MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Consultation on the proposed Cockle Fisheries Management Plan
The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed cockle Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), its policies and proposed actions. We are also seeking your views on the likely environmental effects of the FMP, as set out in the environmental report. The cockle FMP sets out a pathway to the long-term sustainable management of the cockle fisheries in English waters. The FMP sets out goals for the fishery, and short- and long-term actions to achieve them. MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
The UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register: National Implementation Report 2025
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Implementation of the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) under the Kiev Protocol – Call for views October 2024 The UK has a publicly available inventory of pollution from industrial sites and other specified sources. Known as the UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR), this is a searchable database providing information on the pollution from a wide range of industrial sites and for 91... MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Consultation on the proposed amendments to Annex A of the Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS). Ymgynghoriad ar ddiwygiadau arfaethedig i Atodiad A i’r Cyd-ddatganiad ar Bysgodfeydd
We are seeking your views on proposed amendments to Annex A of the Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS). The JFS was published in November 2022 by the four UK fisheries policy authorities (the Secretary of State, the Scottish Ministers, the Welsh Ministers, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland), as required by the Fisheries Act 2020. The JFS sets out the future direction of UK fisheries management. In this consultation we are seeking your views... MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Yorkshire Wolds Proposed Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Designation Project
Yorkshire Wolds Proposed Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Project - Public and Statutory Consultation This consultation for the Yorkshire Wolds Proposed Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)* Designation Project is now closed. All information and documents related to the project and this consultation can be found below. Once completed, a consultation analysis report will be uploaded to this webpage, along with any updates to the project. *AONBs were rebranded as... MoreOpened 8 October 2024 -
Marine Planning Issues with Supporting Evidence
In 2023, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs agreed with the Marine Management Organisation's recommendation to replace the East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans. The adopted East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans will be replaced with a new 'East Marine Plan' which will be the first of a second generation of plans for English waters. The new document will be referred to as the 'East Marine Plan'. Following the publication of the East Marine Plan... MoreOpened 7 October 2024 -
Open access restriction at Twin Oaks (case number 2009040042)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 18 September 2024 -
Surrey Hills National Landscape (AONB) Variation Project Second Consultation
Surrey Hills National Landscape (AONB) Boundary Variation Project – 2 nd Consultation This consultation is now closed. All information and documents related to the project and consultation can be found below. The 2nd consultation analysis report will be uploaded to this webpage along with any updates on the project. You can also access the 1 st consultation webpage here : Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Boundary... MoreOpened 17 September 2024 -
Open access restriction at Seal Sands Industrial Complex (case number 2014087356)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 4 September 2024 -
Open access restriction at North Tees Mudflats (case number 2018038613)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 4 September 2024 -
Consultation on updating the Guaranteed Standards Scheme (GSS)
This public consultation on the Guaranteed Standards Scheme (GSS) opened on 12th August and will close on 7th October 2024. The government is consulting on changes to the Guaranteed Standards Scheme (GSS) to improve baseline customer service standards and protection in the water and sewerage sector. These changes include roughly doubling payment values contained within the scheme, and broadening the set of standards which warrant payments to provide more comprehensive protection from... MoreOpened 12 August 2024 -
Survey for the UK Best Available Techniques (UK BAT) in the Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics Sector
This survey seeks your feedback on the environmental impacts of the Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics industry in the United Kingdom as part of the 'Best Available Techniques” (BAT) regime for regulated industry. The aim of the BAT process is to bring the UK Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics industry up to the best standards, launching improvements in environmental protection. We intend to use your views on areas such as sector pollution, the use of materials and... MoreOpened 15 July 2024 -
Open access restriction at West Nab (case number 2014037142) Variation
The Peak District National Park Authority is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the... MoreOpened 7 June 2024 -
Open access restriction at Willyshaw Rigg (case number 2009050253)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 24 May 2024 -
Consultation on UK REACH
This public consultation on UK REACH, which launched on 16th May, will remain open throughout the pre-election period and has been extended to close on 25th July. Annex B: Use and exposure information requirements have been amended since they were published. The Government is consulting on changes to reducing costs to businesses moving from EU REACH regime to UK REACH, whilst upholding existing human health and environmental protections. This includes reducing duplication... MoreOpened 16 May 2024 -
Survey for the UK Best Available Techniques (UK BAT) in the Smitheries & Foundries Sector
This survey seeks your feedback on the environmental impacts of the Smitheries and Foundries industry in the United Kingdom as part of the 'Best Available Techniques” (BAT) regime for regulated industry. The aim of the BAT process is to bring the UK Smitheries and Foundries industry up to the best standards, launching improvements in environmental protection. We intend to use your views on areas such as sector pollution, the use of materials and overall efficiency to help identify... MoreOpened 15 May 2024 -
Survey for the UK Best Available Techniques (UK BAT) in the Ceramics Sector
This survey seeks your feedback on the environmental impacts of the Ceramics industry in the United Kingdom as part of the 'Best Available Techniques” (BAT) regime for regulated industry. The aim of the BAT process is to bring the UK Ceramics industry up to the best standards, launching improvements in environmental protection. We intend to use your views on areas such as sector pollution, the use of materials and overall efficiency to help identify the best techniques to minimise... MoreOpened 15 May 2024 -
Survey for the UK Best Available Techniques (UK BAT) in the Slaughterhouses and Animal Byproducts Sector
This survey seeks your feedback on the environmental impacts of the Slaughterhouses and Animal Byproducts industry in the United Kingdom as part of the 'Best Available Techniques” (BAT) regime for regulated industry. The aim of the BAT process is to bring the UK Slaughterhouses and Animal Byproducts industry up to the best standards, launching improvements in environmental protection. We intend to use your views on areas such as sector pollution, the use of materials and overall... MoreOpened 15 May 2024 -
Food and Drink Assimilated Law Consultation
Foreword Leaving the European Union (EU) has given us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to review how we make and shape the United Kingdom’s (UK) regulatory framework for food and drink. We are in the process of evaluating assimilated laws inherited from the EU – previously known as retained EU laws (REUL) – to ensure they continue to meet our needs. We are delivering a programme of reforms and revocations to take control of our legislation and regulations, and move... MoreOpened 14 May 2024 -
Open Access Restriction at Symonds Yat - SO561156 - (case number 2024030132)
The Forestry Commission is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... MoreOpened 26 April 2024 -
Wine Reforms Consultation
Foreword Leaving the European Union has given us the opportunity to review how we make and shape the regulatory framework for food and drink. The government has delivered the first two phases of the assimilated EU law (AEUL) wine reforms. The first Statutory Instrument (SI), ‘The Wine (Revocation and Consequential Provision) Regulations 2023 (No 1362)’, introduced simplified labelling rules for the wine trade which came into effect on 1 January 2024. In... MoreOpened 16 April 2024 -
Open Access Restriction at The Grun – East Kielder - NY672991 (case number 2024030131)
The Forestry Commission is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... MoreOpened 12 April 2024 -
Open access restriction at Barnack Holes and Hills National Nature Reserve (case number 2018118766)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 15 March 2024 -
Sun tanning lamps: exemption for lead as the activator
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2012 (the RoHS regulations) restricts the use of 10 hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), with a view to contributing to the protection of human health and the environment, including the sound recovery and disposal of waste. Industry can apply for exemptions to allow the supply of products using one or more of the restricted substances above... MoreOpened 15 March 2024
751 results.
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