750 results
Glass frit binder for assembly of gas lasers: exemption for lead
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2012 (the RoHS regulations) restricts the use of 10 hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), with a view to contributing to the protection of human health and the environment, including the sound recovery and disposal of waste. Industry can apply for exemptions to allow the supply of products using one or more of the restricted substances above... MoreOpened 15 March 2024 -
Atomic absorption spectroscopy lamps: exemption for lead and cadmium
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2012 (the RoHS regulations) restricts the use of 10 hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), with a view to contributing to the protection of human health and the environment, including the sound recovery and disposal of waste. Industry can apply for exemptions to allow the supply of products using one or more of the restricted substances above... MoreOpened 15 March 2024 -
Bovine TB: Consultation on proposals to evolve badger control policy and introduce additional cattle measures
This consultation is part of the government’s bTB Strategy. Achieving OTF status will provide tangible benefits for the cattle industry, rural communities and government. These include significant savings in combating the disease both to government and to industry, increasing the ability to trade [1] internationally and alleviating the social and mental health impacts of the disease on farmers and their businesses. We recognise the importance of providing clarity... MoreOpened 14 March 2024 -
Consultation on fairer food labelling
Evidence shows that consumers want to buy high-quality food, however, it can be difficult for them to clearly identify where food comes from and how it is produced. We want to make it easier for consumers to make informed decisions when purchasing food and allow them to choose products that align with their values. This consultation seeks views on proposals to improve transparency and consistency through improved country of origin, and animal welfare labelling in the UK. The UK... MoreOpened 12 March 2024 -
Open access restriction at Sunderland yacht club (case number 2013076869)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 11 March 2024 -
Open access restriction at Sunderland marina (case number 2013076871)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 11 March 2024 -
Consultation on draft Statutory Instrument: The English Drainage Boards (Alternative Valuation Calculation) Regulations 2024
Internal drainage boards (IDBs), which are locally funded and operated statutory public bodies, are responsible in their area of operation, for water level management and managing flood risk. There are 112 independent IDBs in England and they are mainly funded by the beneficiaries of their work, through drainage rates on agricultural landowners and special levies on local authorities. IDBs use a land valuation calculation to apportion their expenses between landowners and local... MoreOpened 7 March 2024 -
Consultation on Designation of 27 Sites as Bathing Waters
The Bathing Water Regulations (S.I.2013/1675) ("the Regulations") define a bathing water as a surface water where "...the Secretary of State expects a large number of people to bathe, having regard in particular to past trends and any infrastructure or facilities provided, or other measures taken, to promote bathing at those waters." The objective of designating a beach or inland water as a bathing water is to protect bathers' health by monitoring for intestinal enterococci and E.coli in the... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at Boulsworth Hill (case number 2009020073)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at Boulsworth Hill 1 (case number 2009020075)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at Halstead, Catlow, Lambhill, Croasdale, Whitendale, Brennand, Sykes, Hareden, Saddle End Farms (case number 2009020076)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at Longridge Fell (case number 2009020077)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
Report to Parliament about Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities' (IFCAs) conduct and operations 2018-2022
Why we are consulting The Secretary of State must prepare a statutory report into the conduct and operation of the ten Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCA’s) every four years, which must be laid before Parliament. This third report covers the period from September 2018 to September 2022. The report will assess the IFCA’s against their five high level objectives set out in the IFCA Vision and Success Criteria document set out in the ... MoreOpened 23 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at Diggle Rifle Range (case number 2014037141)
The Peak District National Park Authority is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the... MoreOpened 22 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at West Nab (case number 2014037142)
The Peak District National Park Authority is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the... MoreOpened 22 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at Deer Hill Site A (case number 2004060106)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 22 February 2024 -
Open access restriction at Deer Hill Site B (case number 2014037129)
The Peak District National Park Authority is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the... MoreOpened 22 February 2024 -
Consultation on policies to inform updated guidance for Marine Protected Area assessments
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is seeking feedback on policies to update guidance on Marine Protected Area (MPA) assessments. In July 2021, we consulted on best practice guidance for developing compensatory measures in relation to MPAs. We are now consulting on draft policies to inform updated guidance using this feedback to ensure MPA assessments are proportionate, compliant and robust and allow us to meet our dual net zero and... MoreOpened 9 February 2024 -
Wildlife Licence Charges Update
We are seeking your views on Natural England’s proposals to change the fees levied under the Wildlife Licence Charges (England) Order 2018. The changes are required because Natural England needs to: enable full cost recovery in line with HM Treasury principles on Managing Public Money; introduce charges for new streamlined licensing routes, such as Bat Earned Recognition; and ensure funding for licensing service... MoreOpened 6 February 2024 -
Marking of Retail Goods Consultation
The government is legislating to confirm that labelling requirements on agrifood products are applied across Great Britain, to ensure no incentive arises for businesses to avoid placing goods on the Northern Ireland market. MoreOpened 2 February 2024 -
Open Access Restriction at Lazy Knowe 2 – NY57628813 (case number 2023120083)
The Forestry Commission is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the... MoreOpened 23 January 2024 -
Consultation on revised charges for the National Residues Control Programme
This joint public consultation on revised charges for the National Residues Control Programme has been launched today (Wednesday 17 January) by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD). The proposals will ensure that UK, Scottish and Welsh Government can continue to recover the full costs of delivering the National Residues Control Programme (NRCP) – a statutory programme designed to help identify residues of banned substances, veterinary medicines, and contaminants in... MoreOpened 17 January 2024 -
Open access restriction at Hemyock Common (case number 2013036672)
Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... MoreOpened 17 January 2024 -
East Marine Plan Statement of Public Participation
To start the process of replacing the East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans, the Marine Planning Team invites those interested to have their say in the East Marine Plan Statement of Public Participation consultation. The Sectary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) agreed with the Marine Management Organisations (MMO) recommendation made in 2022 to replace the East Marine Plans. The MMO and Defra will work together to develop the process to replace the East... MoreOpened 15 January 2024 -
Consultation on removing the 16-week derogation period in egg marketing standards legislation in England and Scotland
This consultation seeks views on a proposed legislative reform to the Egg Marketing Standards Regulation. The proposed change will simplify the regulation on the labelling of free-range eggs, enabling free-range eggs to be marketed as such for the duration of any mandatory housing measures in England and Scotland. MoreOpened 9 January 2024 -
Consultation on reforming the producer responsibility system for waste electrical and electronic equipment 2023
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on reforms to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013, which are intended to drive up levels of separately collected WEEE for re-use and recycling. The reforms will also support the drive towards a more circular economy by ensuring products are designed to have a lower environmental impact than those which we consume today. We want to ensure producers and distributors of electrical and electronic products finance... MoreOpened 28 December 2023 -
Call for evidence on reforming the producer responsibility system for waste electricals 2023
The purpose of this call for evidence is to gather evidence and views to support reforms to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 that go beyond the specific proposals set out in the accompanying consultation and impact assessment that were also published today. The evidence sought here will inform wider policy development intended to support the drive towards a more circular economy and Net Zero commitments by ensuring products are designed and discarded in a... MoreOpened 28 December 2023 -
Contractual relationships in the UK fresh produce industry
The UK government is committed to tackling contractual unfairness where it exists in the agri-food supply chain. At the UK Farm to Fork Summit held at Downing Street on 16 May 2023 the UK government announced a new review into fairness in the horticulture supply chain to support British farmers and improve food security. This builds on the reviews we already have underway using powers under s.29 of the Agriculture Act 2020 to improve transparency and fair contractual dealing in the dairy and... MoreOpened 14 December 2023 -
Perthnasoedd mewn contractau yn niwydiant cynnyrch ffres y Deyrnas Unedig
Mae llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig wedi ymrwymo i fynd i'r afael ag annhegwch mewn contractau lle mae'n bodoli yn y gadwyn gyflenwi bwyd-amaeth. Yn Uwchgynhadledd y Deyrnas Unedig, O’r Fferm i’r Fforc, a gynhaliwyd yn Downing Street ar 16 Mai 2023 cyhoeddodd llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig adolygiad newydd o degwch yn y gadwyn gyflenwi garddwriaeth er mwyn helpu ffermwyr Prydain a gwella diogelwch bwyd. Mae hyn yn adeiladu ar yr adolygiadau sydd gennym ar y gweill yn barod gan ddefnyddio... MoreOpened 14 December 2023 -
Call for evidence – Stage 4 fishing in marine protected areas
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is seeking additional evidence and views to support Stage 4 of the assessment and management of fishing in offshore marine protected areas (MPAs). Stage 4 considers the impacts of fishing on offshore MPAs designated for highly mobile species: harbour porpoise and marine birds. Stage 4 is part of MMO’s work to assess and manage fishing activities for the protection of MPAs offshore of 6 nautical miles (nm) from... MoreOpened 5 December 2023
750 results.
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