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706 results

  • Draft update to the UK National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

    We want to know what you think about our 2021 draft update to the UK National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The update covers “new POPs”, which have been more recently listed under the Stockholm Convention and were not covered in our last NIP update in 2017. It sets out the information available to us for these substances and our plans to monitor and eliminate them in the future. It also provides a short update on the... More
    Opened 19 March 2021
  • Consultation on the Waste Prevention Programme for England: Towards a Resource-Efficient Economy

    We are consulting on a new Waste Prevention Programme for England: Towards a Resource Efficient Economy that sets out priorities for action to manage our resources and waste in accordance with the waste hierarchy - which means preventing waste by amongst other things increasing reuse, repair and remanufacture of products. The Programme outlines the potential for, and benefits of, action on waste prevention, what industry is already doing and could do, as well as setting out... More
    Opened 18 March 2021
  • Swanscombe Peninsula

    Swanscombe Peninsula Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Kent: Notification under section 28C (Enlargement) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Natural England has reviewed the notification of Bakers Hole SSSI, Kent and has enlarged the SSSI boundary under Section 28C to include more land of special interest. These changes were notified to owners, occupiers, the Local Planning Authority and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural... More
    Opened 11 March 2021
  • Open access restriction at Silence Mine (case number 2018088745)

    The Peak District National Park Authority is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the... More
    Opened 11 March 2021
  • Consultation on the Draft Policy Statement on Environmental Principles

    The landmark Environment Act 2021 will create a duty on Ministers of the Crown to have due regard to the policy statement on environmental principles when making policy. This legally binding statement will see five environmental principles committed to by the UK Government to guide its work and ensure considerations for the environment remain central to policy making. The policy statement will ensure that ministers understand how to interpret and proportionately apply these principles across... More
    Opened 10 March 2021
  • Implementing the Ivory Act

    The Ivory Act 2018, which received Royal Assent in 2018, will introduce one the toughest bans on elephant ivory sales in the world and showcase the UK as a global leader in animal conservation. When commenced, it will ban the dealing of items made of, or containing elephant ivory, regardless of their age. This consultation will seek the views of interested parties on Defra’s proposals for the commencement of the ivory ban. These include the commencement arrangements for the ban,... More
    Opened 9 March 2021
  • Interim Gamebird Release Licence in England

    In response to a legal challenge, the Secretary of State commissioned a review to consider the legislative arrangements around the release of the common pheasant and red-legged partridge on and around European protected sites and whether there are ways in which their effectiveness could be improved. As part of that review, an independent report was considered which summarised the impacts of gamebird release on habitats and species. The independent report identified a number of key issues... More
    Opened 23 February 2021
  • Consultation on amending domestic food legislation in England

    Consultation on amending certain domestic food legislation in England Relating to: Bread and Flour Regulations 1998; Products Containing Meat etc (England) Regulations 2014; Jam and Similar Products (England) Regulations 2003, Spreadable Fats etc. (England) Regulations 2008. Executive Summary Since the UK has left the EU, and the Transition Period has ended, we would like to request your views about our proposals to amend certain food... More
    Opened 8 February 2021
  • Amendments to the Flood Re Scheme

    We want to know what you think about our proposed amendments to the Flood Re Scheme. The joint government and industry Flood Re Scheme was designed to help households at high flood risk access affordable insurance. The proposed changes aim to: improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the scheme support Flood Re’s purpose to manage transition to a risk-reflective flood insurance market by 2039 They include... More
    Opened 1 February 2021
  • Local factors in managing flood and coastal erosion risk and Property Flood Resilience - call for evidence

    In July 2020 the government announced its long-term plan to create a nation more resilient to future flood and coastal erosion risk in its Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Policy Statement [1] . This ambitious plan sets out five key commitments – supported by over 40 actions – to accelerate progress to better protect and better prepare the country for the years to come. This Call for Evidence will help us to take forward some of the policies and... More
    Opened 1 February 2021
  • Formal Consultation - MMO management of fishing in marine protected areas

    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is the government’s principal regulator for most activities in English waters. This includes the management of activities in marine protected areas (MPAs). We are seeking views on the draft assessments and management measures proposed for four offshore MPAs: Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation; Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Special Area of Conservation; South Dorset Marine Conservation... More
    Opened 1 February 2021
  • Bovine tuberculosis: call for views on possible future measures to accelerate disease eradication in England

    The end date for this call for views has been extended to 21st April 2021. In March 2020, the government published a response to Professor Sir Charles Godfray's review of England's Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) Strategy ('the Godfray Review'), setting out three top priorities for the next phase of the bTB strategy: 1. accelerating work to develop a deployable cattle vaccine in the next five years. 2. evolving the wildlife control policy, by beginning to phase out intensive... More
    Opened 27 January 2021
  • Bovine tuberculosis: consultation on proposals to help eradicate the disease in England.

    This consultation closed on 24 March 2021. The Government's response to the consultation and associated annex can be found at the bottom of this page. The government published a response to the Godfray Review in March 2020, setting out three top priorities for the next phase of the bTB Strategy: • accelerating work to develop a deployable cattle vaccine in the next five years; • evolving the wildlife control policy, by beginning to phase out intensive... More
    Opened 27 January 2021
  • ‘Best Available Techniques’– A future regime within the UK

    Following the UK’s exit from the European Union, the UK Government the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland are firmly committed to providing a future regime for the development of 'Best Available Techniques' within the UK. This consultation sets out how we will ensure a collaborative approach to developing 'Best Available Techniques' within the UK, within a framework that... More
    Opened 25 January 2021
  • Updating the UK Plan for Shipments of Waste

    The UK Plan for Shipments of Waste implements the UK government policy of self-sufficiency in waste disposal, by prohibiting imports and exports of waste to and from the UK for disposal. This policy is subject to some limited exceptions which are outlined in the UK Plan. The UK Plan was last updated in 2012. The UK Plan is now due another update, to reflect the UK’s departure from the EU in 2019, in addition to certain policy and minor technical changes. We are proposing four... More
    Opened 18 January 2021
  • Cotswold Water Park SSSI

    The Cotswold Water Park is a 40 square mile complex of 177 lakes formed by gravel workings on the borders of Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Oxfordshire. There are two principal blocks of lakes: a larger one in the west centred on Ashton Keynes and a smaller eastern one centred on Fairford, with stepping-stones formed by recent workings in between . The Cotswold Water Park SSSI was notified in June 1994, comprising 10 lakes of special interest for standing water habitats and... More
    Opened 7 January 2021
  • The regulation of genetic technologies

    This consultation is about the regulation of genetic technologies. It mainly focuses on the regulation of gene edited (GE) organisms possessing genetic changes which could have been introduced by traditional breeding. This is covered in part 1 of the consultation. In part 2 of the consultation, we are using this opportunity to engage separately and start gathering views on the wider regulatory framework governing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). ... More
    Opened 7 January 2021
  • Pinkworthy and Driver Farm SSSI

    Pinkworthy and Driver Farm is located in Somerset and was notified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) on 7 January 2021. Pinkworthy and Driver Farm SSSI is of special interest for its nationally important assemblage of grassland fungi its species-rich lowland dry acid grassland and rush pasture. Pinkworthy and Driver Farm SSSI, near Simonsbath, lies within the Exmoor National Park. The site comprises an enclosed mosaic of unimproved and... More
    Opened 7 January 2021
  • Cat and Dog Microchipping and Scanning in England

    We are launching this consultation to seek your views on proposals to make cat microchipping a compulsory requirement of cat ownership in England. We are also taking this opportunity to consult on the compulsory scanning of pets (dogs and cats) for microchips. More
    Opened 23 December 2020
  • Open access restriction at Stert Flats (case number 2014107416)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... More
    Opened 18 December 2020
  • Open access restriction at Stert Point (case number 2014107415)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... More
    Opened 18 December 2020
  • Primates as pets in England

    We are launching this consultation to seek your views on whether the Government should bring forward legislation to ban the keeping of primates as pets in England. A primate [1] is any member of the biological order Primates; this includes all the species commonly referred to as lemurs, monkeys and apes. Call for Evidence In October 2019 Defra launched a Call for Evidence on the Welfare of Primates as Pets, which closed in January 2020. The Call for Evidence sought evidence... More
    Opened 12 December 2020
  • Changes to the measurement (metric) used to report on the condition of SSSIs in England

    Natural England is seeking views on the proposed change to the measurement used in the reporting of SSSI condition in England. The changes will be a move from a unit or area based assessment to one which measures the condition of a notified feature across the whole of the SSSI. The consultation document sets out the reasons behind this proposed change and the implications of the change on current baseline information. The move to whole feature assessment and reporting will... More
    Opened 7 December 2020
  • Call for Evidence on the Scale of Shark Fin Trade in the UK and Possible Impacts of Stricter Controls

    The UK has a strong track record in marine conservation and places great importance on ensuring appropriate protection and management is in place for all shark species. Following the end of the Transition period we will explore options consistent with World Trade Organisation rules to address shark fin trade. In relation to this we are asking for evidence which will help us better understand shark fin trade and its impacts both in the UK and overseas. More
    Opened 6 December 2020
  • Sustainable Use of Pesticides: Draft National Action Plan

    We want to know what you think about our draft revised UK National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides. The plan covers the next five years and aims to minimise the risks and impacts of pesticides to human health and the environment, while ensuring pests and pesticide resistance are managed effectively. The consultation letter and document (available in both English and Welsh) can be found at the base of this webpage under 'Related'. More
    Opened 4 December 2020
  • Improvements to animal welfare in transport

    The current rules aimed at protecting animal welfare in transport are derived from directly applicable EU law, Council Regulation No 1/2005. The Regulation sets out the requirements that anyone transporting animals in connection with an economic activity must comply with. There are growing concerns that the current requirements for the transport of animals do not reflect the latest scientific evidence on how best to protect animal welfare during transport. We are consulting in England... More
    Opened 3 December 2020
  • Open access restriction at Stiperstones National Nature Reserve (case numbers: 2014107424, 2014107425, 2014107426, 2014107427, 2014107428, 2014107429, 2014107430 and 2014107431)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... More
    Opened 12 November 2020
  • Open access restriction at Delacroix (case number 2016018022)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... More
    Opened 10 November 2020
  • Open access restriction at Shapwick Heath National Nature Reserve (case numbers: 2015118003 and 2015118004)

    Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW Act) gives a public right of access to land mapped as ‘open country’ (mountain, moor, heath and down) or registered common land. These areas are known as ‘open access land’. Much of the ‘coastal margin’ of the England Coast Path is also open access land under the same Act. Landowners have the right to apply to the relevant... More
    Opened 10 November 2020
  • Reducing ammonia emissions from urea fertilisers

    Ammonia is an air pollutant that is detrimental to our natural environment and is a pre-curser to particulate matter, which is detrimental to human health. Our statutory obligations to restore our degraded habitats and to reduce our ammonia emissions by 8% by 2020 and by 16% by 2030 mean that we must act urgently to tackle our ammonia emissions. As ammonia emissions are predominantly from agriculture (87%) and around 8% are from the use of solid urea fertilisers, this consultation seeks... More
    Opened 3 November 2020
706 results. Page 9 of 24