Livestock feed controls review for England and Wales

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Closes 1 Apr 2025


This is a consultation on whether England and Wales should change its livestock feed controls, to allow:  

  • poultry processed animal protein (PAP) in porcine feed 

  • porcine PAP in poultry feed 

  • insect PAP in pig and poultry feed 

  • ruminant collagen and gelatine in non-ruminant feed. 

Please read the full consultation document before completing this survey.

Using and sharing your information  

How we use your personal data is set out in the consultation and call for evidence exercise privacy notice which can be found here

Other Information  

This consultation is being conducted in line with the Cabinet Office "Consultation principles".


1. Would you like your response to be confidential? Ydych chi am i’ch ymateb fod yn gyfrinachol?
2. If you answered yes, please provide your reason: Os mai ‘ydw’ oedd eich ateb, rhowch eich rheswm:
3. What is your full name? Beth yw eich enw llawn?
4. What is your organisation, if applicable? Beth yw eich sefydliad, os yw’n berthnasol?
5. Which of the following best describes you, your holding, or organisation? Pa un o’r canlynol sy’n eich disgrifio chi, eich daliad, neu eich sefydliad, orau?
6. If you selected 'other', please specify: Os ydych chi wedi ateb ‘arall’, rhowch fanylion: