Consultation on Amending Poultry Meat Marketing Regulations - England & Scotland

Closes 16 Dec 2024

Opened 21 Oct 2024


This consultation seeks views on potential changes to the assimilated Poultry Meat Marketing Standards Regulation (No. 543/2008).

The potential changes on which views are sought cover two areas:

  1. First, a proposal to amend the 12-week derogation period that would enable free-range poultry meat to be labelled as such for the duration of any mandatory housing measure which would restrict birds' access to open-air runs, such as those that were in force in some areas of Great Britain (GB) in both 2022 and 2023 during Avian Influenza (AI) outbreaks. Guinea fowl raised in percheries are exempt from the current legislation and it is proposed to retain the exemption in any legislative changes that arise as a result of this consultation.


  1. Second, a proposal to remove a certification requirement, which has never been used in practice, for imported poultry meat with one or more Optional Indications (OIs).

Why your views matter

This consultation is about proposed amendments to the Poultry Meat Marketing Regulations (PMMR) in England and Scotland. These changes would directly affect poultry producers, processors, retailers, importers, exporters, consumers, and organisations who have an interest in the poultry industry.

Give us your views


  • Trade Unions
  • Food Business Operators
  • Food Industry
  • Vets
  • Retail Industry


  • Policy and Delivery
  • Poultry industry
  • Poultry
  • Meat Industry