Yorkshire Wolds Proposed Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Designation Project
The online response form, which starts on the next page, is for recording your views on our proposals for a new Yorkshire Wolds AONB. Before filling it in, we recommend that you first read the Consultation Pack documents. They contain useful information that will help you to comment on our proposals. The Consultation Pack documents can be viewed and / or downloaded from the links at the bottom of this webpage.
Please feel free to complete as many or as few parts of the response form as you wish. You do not need to complete the response form in one go. You can save your responses and come back to them at a later date.
The consultation closes at midnight on 13 January 2025, and this response form will not be available after that time.
There will be a further opportunity to comment on the final proposals during the Notice Period prior to the designation Order being submitted to the Secretary of State, should the proposals reach that stage in the designation process.
Thank you.
More detailed background information, including additional supporting documents, is available from the links below, or on request.
Consultation Pack
Supporting Information
Technical Assessment - Natural Beauty
Technical Assessment - Desirability
Technical Assessment - Boundary
Natural England Guidance on Assessing Landscapes for Designation - June21
Natural England Board Meeting Minutes - 5th May 2021
Other information
Questions and Answers from Farmer webinar briefings
Proposed Area Map – A0 showing Administrative Boundaries
If you have any questions or require further assistance or copies of the consultation pack you can:
- email us at YorksWoldsDesignationProject@naturalengland.org.uk; or
- call the Natural England enquiries line on 0300 060 3900; or
- write to us at Yorks Wolds Consultation, PO Box 295, HOLMFIRTH, HD9 9FS