Invasive Non-native Species: Tackling Invasive Non-native Species – A new enforcement regime
Seeking views on a regime to enforce the EU Invasive Alien Species Regulation in England and Wales.
Why your views matter
The EU Invasive Alien Species Regulation came into force in 2015. It currently applies restrictions on 49 invasive non-native species of most concern in Europe including a ban on keeping and sale. This consultation sets out proposals for enforcing those restrictions through the use of civil and criminal penalties. It will be of relevance for businesses that import or trade in non-native species and individuals that keep them, as well as those working in zoos and aquaria and NGOs with an interest in protecting the environment from these species.
- Charities/Voluntary Organisations
- Environmental campaigners
- Government Departments
- Government Agencies
- Devolved Administrations
- Water/water Industry sector
- Angling Organisations and Trade
- Fishing Focus individual recipients
- Environmental professional services
- Local Authorities
- Pet Owners
- Pet Interest Groups
- Pet Carriers
- Local Authorities
- All Defra staff and ALBs
- Farmers
- Fishermen
- Water suppliers
- Horticulture Industry
- Natural environment
- Biodiversity
- Plants
- Animals
- Marine
- Marine Conservation
- DEFRA Policy
- Bee health
- Inland waterways
- Pets
- Wildlife management
- Protecting wildlife
- Non-native species
- Pet Travel
- Pet Ownership
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