Opportunity to Comment on a Low Risk Area Badger Disease Control Licence application

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Closes 5 Sep 2024


Opportunity to Comment on a Low Risk Area Badger Disease Control Licence application

You should complete this survey by 11.59pm 05 September 2024 if you wish to submit comments in relation to the application that Natural England has received for a Low Risk Area Badger Control Licence within the county of Cumbria.

This opportunity to comment (OTC) is not to be used to declare views for or against the Bovine TB policy. You can contact the relevant authority, Defra. You can write to them directly: defra.helpline@defra.gov.uk or visit their website for other methods of contact.  


This OTC allows the public to raise potential impacts a cull may have on their business or livelihood. Natural England will review public responses and ensure where relevant, they are taken into account, when assessing the application.

If your comment is not related to an impact on your livelihood or daily activity locally within the county, Natural England will not consider your comment.

Your comment

Natural England will consider any impacts on livelihoods and daily activities that are relevant to the applications and may share this information with the relevant applicant, based upon your postcode or specific point of interest. This is to allow the relevant applicant to consider appropriate mitigation measures, before completing their licence application.

If you agree to Natural England supplying your contact details to the licence applicant, in specific circumstances, you may be contacted regarding the issues raised and possible mitigation measures.

Commenting on more than one county

Comments should be submitted according to the county which the comments relate to. If you have comments on more than one county, you will need to complete the survey for each county.

Help and assistance

If you experience any difficulties accessing the information or submitting your comments, please contact the Natural England bTB enquiry team: specialistlicensing@naturalengland.org.uk

Using and sharing your information

Information on how Natural England handles your personal data is set out in the Wildlife licensing privacy notice, which is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/natural-england-privacy-notices. If you agree to share your contact details, Natural England may need to pass these on to the applicant for the area which your online survey relates to. This is so the applicant can discuss with you the relevant issues and comments that you raise in this survey.

Please select the appropriate option.

Contact details and comments