Marine Planning Issues with Supporting Evidence
Past Social
Within this section, we are referring to the issues identified during plan development for the first East Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans, published in 2014. These were developed between 2012 and 2014 by collaborating with interested stakeholders, informed by national policy, technical data collation and sub-national plans and policies. We are keen to understand if these issues remain of significance within the marine environment, or if there have been notable contextual changes since then.
The report for the issues and evidence identified in 2014, can be found on our government webpage here. The past issues identified for the social theme group have been summarised in the survey questions below.
Please note: the questions are not compulsory, if you do not wish to respond please leave them blank.
How to Upload Evidence
Each survey question provides you with an opportunity to upload any supporting evidence you are aware of / hold to support the issues discussed.
- Files uploaded must be under 25 MB.
- You can only upload one file per survey question.
- If you require several pieces of evidence to be uploaded, please link to the available evidence within a word document and upload that.
To upload this evidence:
- Click on ‘Choose file’
- Search your documents for the required evidence
- Click ‘open’ to upload the evidence
- The document will appear to the right of the ‘choose file’ button once uploaded
To re-submit evidence, please click ‘clear file’ and follow the process above to re-upload.
If you have any queries, please email: