Marine Planning Issues with Supporting Evidence

Closes 10 Jan 2025

Opened 7 Oct 2024


In 2023, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs agreed with the Marine Management Organisation's recommendation to replace the East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans. The adopted East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans will be replaced with a new 'East Marine Plan' which will be the first of a second generation of plans for English waters. The new document will be referred to as the 'East Marine Plan'.

Following the publication of the East Marine Plan Statement of Public Participation (linked here), the next stage within marine plan development involves gathering issues with supporting evidence. The call for issues is the start of our conversation with stakeholders about what the opportunities, challenges and needs are for the east marine plan areas over the next 20 years. The call is also looking to gather evidence to support these issues.  

Why your views matter

It is important that all those with an interest in the UK’s marine environment can have their say in the process to replace the East Marine Plans and contribute to shaping the east marine plan areas’ seas and coast. Find out more about Issues with Supporting Evidence here.

This survey is an opportunity for you to input into plan development by providing your perspective on the issues in the east marine plan areas, along with any supporting evidence. The issues and evidence collated will be vital in developing a relevant and useful Marine Plan.

How to respond

Once you have submitted your response, you will be sent a receipt and a link to a PDF copy of your response.  

Responses should be received by 23:59 on 10th January 2025. If you are unable to use Citizen Space, you can download the consultation documents from the 'related documents' section below and return your response by email to or in writing to:  Marine Planning Team, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 7YH. 

We would like to hear your views



  • Anyone from any background


  • Natural environment
  • Local nature partnerships
  • Biodiversity
  • Plants
  • Animals
  • Tree and plant health
  • Climate change
  • Green infrastructure
  • Ecosystems services
  • Deforestation
  • Illegal logging
  • Palm oil
  • Green economy
  • Sustainable development
  • National Adaptation Programme
  • Flooding
  • Flood insurance
  • Flood emergency
  • Marine
  • Marine Conservation Zones
  • Marine licensing
  • Common Fisheries Policy
  • Fish stocks
  • Shellfish
  • Sea angling
  • Waste and recycling
  • Water quality
  • Air quality
  • Water Bill
  • Water conservation
  • Bathing waters
  • Sewerage
  • Air pollution
  • Ozone
  • Chemicals and pesticides
  • Noise
  • Genetic Modification (GM)
  • Local environments
  • Aarhus Convention
  • Resource Efficiency
  • Pollution Sector
  • Science
  • Conservation
  • Water Abstraction
  • Holiday Accommodation
  • Domestic Waste Water Systems
  • House Building and Planning
  • Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases
  • Inland waterways
  • Construction
  • Watercourse maintenance
  • Water Act
  • Marine Conservation
  • Consultations
  • Impact Assessments
  • DEFRA Policy
  • Water Industry charging
  • Water Industry licencing
  • Policy and Delivery
  • Food labelling
  • Food standards
  • Egg industry
  • Poultry industry
  • Dairy industry
  • Wine industry
  • Protected food names
  • Food imports
  • Food and drink exports
  • Cattle
  • Pigs
  • Poultry
  • Sheep and goats
  • Animal diseases
  • Animal welfare
  • Livestock identification and movement
  • Growing and crops
  • Bee health
  • Peat
  • Marine fisheries
  • Farm management
  • Single Payment Scheme (SPS)
  • Cross compliance
  • Common Agricultural Reform (CAP)
  • Skills, education, training and new entrants
  • Land management
  • Nitrates and watercourses
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Uplands
  • Soil
  • Shellfish
  • Forestry
  • Retailers
  • Livestock disease control
  • Sheep, goat and deer production/marketing
  • Meat Industry
  • Access to countryside and coast
  • Hunting with dogs
  • Inland waterways
  • Rural economy and communities
  • Rural broadband
  • Rural grants and funding
  • Rural Development Programme for England
  • Forestry
  • National Parks
  • Nature reserves
  • Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • Common land
  • Conservation
  • Towns and village greens
  • Industry organisations representing tenant farmers and landlords
  • Solicitors specialising in agricultural law
  • Rural Properties
  • Recreational sector
  • Pets
  • Travelling with pets
  • Quarantine
  • Protecting pets from cruelty
  • Horses
  • Dangerous dogs
  • Wildlife crime
  • Wildlife management
  • Protecting wildlife
  • Non-native species
  • Whales and dolphins
  • Circus animals
  • Zoos
  • Dangerous and wild animals
  • Pet Travel
  • Pet Ownership
  • Pet Health