Formal Consultation - MMO management of anchoring activity impacts in Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area
3. Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area
MMO is consulting on a proposed byelaw which includes management measures for anchoring activity in Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area (HPMA).
You can find the draft byelaw, associated impact assessment, and Allonby Bay HPMA marine non-licensable activity (mNLA) assessment, in the related information section on the overview page. The map of the management area for this site can be found below.
Proposed management
The proposed byelaw includes a whole site prohibition of anchoring activity throughout Allonby Bay HPMA.
The proposed byelaw also mandates that an anchor must be stowed when in the specified area.
Note, the provisions in section 141(1)(e) and (f) and section 141(2) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 remain in force and are not amended by the proposed byelaw. These provide that anchoring can take place within the area prohibited by the proposed byelaw in the event that the act of anchoring:
- 141(1)(e) was necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of any vessel, aircraft or marine installation;
- 141(1)(f) was done for the purpose of saving life.
Please note that subsection (1)(e) does not apply where the necessity was due to the fault of the person or of some other person acting under the person's direction or control.
Related Information
The protected feature of Allonby Bay HPMA is the marine ecosystem of the area which means all marine flora and fauna, all marine habitats and all geological or geomorphological interests, including all abiotic elements and all supporting ecosystem functions and processes, in or on the sea bed, water column and the surface of the sea.
For more information on marine non-licensable activities please see Managing marine non-licensable activities in marine protected areas - GOV.UK