Call for Evidence on a Proposed Landfill Tax Grant Scheme for the Remediation of Contaminated Land
The government is aware of instances in which the redevelopment, remediation, and / or protection of land affected by contamination or the consequences of previous development may be prevented by the cost of landfill, including the Landfill Tax. Landfill Tax has been highly effective since its implementation in diverting waste from landfill and underpinning the waste hierarchy by encouraging more sustainable waste management solutions. However, it is not intended that this tax should act in certain instances to prevent the redevelopment, remediation, or protection of land in the economic, environmental, and social interest of local communities.
This Call for Evidence seeks information on the prevalence of instances where Landfill Tax is considered an insurmountable barrier to the redevelopment of land affected by contamination or the consequences of previous development in England, and views on the need for, and design of, a possible scheme to support local authorities (including Combined Authorities and Mayoral Development Corporations) and government departments and their agencies to overcome this issue.
Why your views matter
This is a public call for evidence, and it is open to anyone with an interest to respond. The call for evidence should be of particular interest to Local Authorities, consultants, planners and developers who are interested in redeveloping, remediating, and protecting land affected by contamination.
We need your views and evidence to help us understand the prevalence and impact of this issue, and feedback on the proposed grant scheme.
Submitted views and evidence will help to shape the future of this policy and any associated guidance.
- Charities/Voluntary Organisations
- Animal welfare campaigners
- Government Departments
- Government Agencies
- Coastal Members of Parliament
- Coastal local authorities
- Coastal Management sector
- Aggregates sector
- Industries and professional services
- Environmental professional services
- Local Authorities
- Waste Producers and Handlers
- Policy Teams
- Local Authorities
- Waste Management Companies
- All Defra staff and ALBs
- Non-Government Organisation
- Member of the General Public
- Landowners and their representative bodies
- Land Agents
- Environmental Health Officers
- Professional and Membership Organisations/Agencies
- Ecosystems services
- Sustainable development
- Waste and recycling
- Local environments
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- DEFRA Policy
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