Consultation on the proposed amendments to Annex A of the Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS). Ymgynghoriad ar ddiwygiadau arfaethedig i Atodiad A i’r Cyd-ddatganiad ar Bysgodfeydd

Closes 21 Nov 2024

Opened 10 Oct 2024


We are seeking your views on proposed amendments to Annex A of the Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS). The JFS was published in November 2022 by the four UK fisheries policy authorities (the Secretary of State, the Scottish Ministers, the Welsh Ministers, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland), as required by the Fisheries Act 2020. The JFS sets out the future direction of UK fisheries management. In this consultation we are seeking your views on amendments to the list of  Fisheries Management Plans included at Annex A of the JFS.

The consultation will run for 6 weeks and will close on 21 November 2024. The consultation relates to fisheries management across the UK.

The consultation document (including the Consultation draft of Annex A) is linked at the bottom of this page, under related documents, in English and Welsh. The online survey is in English and Welsh, and responses can be submitted in either language.



Rydym yn gofyn ichi am eich barn ar ddiwygiadau arfaethedig i Atodiad A i’r Cyd-ddatganiad ar Bysgodfeydd (JFS). Cafodd y JFS ei gyhoeddi ym mis Tachwedd 2022 gan bedwar awdurdod polisi pysgodfeydd y DU (Gweinidogion Cymru, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol, Gweinidogion yr Alban ac Adran Amaeth, yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig Gogledd Iwerddon) yn unol â gofynion Deddf Pysgodfeydd 2020. Mae’r JFS yn nodi’r cyfeiriad ar gyfer rheoli pysgodfeydd y DU yn y dyfodol. Yn yr ymgynghoriad hwn, hoffem glywed eich barn ar y diwygiadau i’r rhestr o Gynlluniau Rheoli Pysgodfeydd sydd wedi’u cynnwys yn Atodiad A i’r JFS.

Bydd yr ymgynghoriad yn para 6 wythnos ac yn cau ar 21 Tachwedd 2024. Mae’r ymgynghoriad yn ymdrin â rheoli pysgodfeydd ar draws y DU gyfan.

Mae dolen i’r ddogfen ymgynghori (yn cynnwys fersiwn ddrafft o Atodiad A at ddiben yr ymgynghoriad) ar waelod y dudalen hon, o dan dogfennau cysylltiedig, yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. Mae’r arolwg ar-lein yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg, a gallwch gyflwyno ymatebion yn y naill iaith neu’r llall.

Why your views matter

We recognise the importance of engaging with stakeholders to ensure the JFS is fit for purpose and are keen to hear from any persons interested in, or affected by, the policies contained in the JFS, and members of the public.

This consultation has particular relevance to:

  • Individuals, groups, or businesses who are engaged in the fishing, seafood, or aquaculture sectors
  • Other individuals, groups or businesses who are sea users, for example, marine industries such as oil and gas, offshore renewables and sailing bodies
  • National and local interest groups such as environmental and recreational non-governmental organisations, and industry federations


Pam mae eich barn yn bwysig

Rydym yn cydnabod bod trafod â rhanddeiliaid yn hollbwysig i sicrhau bod y JFS yn addas i’r diben ac rydym yn awyddus i glywed gan unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb ym mholisïau’r JFS neu unrhyw un y gallai’r polisïau effeithio arno, ac aelodau’r cyhoedd.

Mae'r ymgynghoriad hwn yn arbennig o berthnasol i:

  • Unigolion, grwpiau neu fusnesau sy'n ymwneud â'r sectorau pysgota, bwyd môr neu ddyframaeth
  • Unigolion, grwpiau neu fusnesau eraill sy'n defnyddio’r môr, er enghraifft, diwydiannau morol fel olew a nwy, ynni adnewyddadwy ar y môr a chyrff hwylio
  • Grwpiau buddiant cenedlaethol a lleol fel sefydliadau amgylcheddol a hamdden anllywodraethol, a ffederasiynau diwydiannau.

Give us your views


  • Charities/Voluntary Organisations
  • Environmental campaigners
  • All Marine Users
  • Government Departments
  • Government Agencies
  • Devolved Administrations
  • Coastal Members of Parliament
  • Coastal local authorities
  • Recreation sector
  • Coastal Management sector
  • Ports and Harbour Authorities and Estuaries
  • IFCAs
  • Angling Organisations and Trade
  • Fishing Focus individual recipients
  • Environmental professional services
  • Consumer Groups
  • Commercial Fisheries Organisations
  • Fisheries Producer Organisations
  • Non-Government Organisation
  • Member of the General Public
  • Fishing Industry
  • Fishermen
  • Shellfish Cultivators
  • Public Bodies
  • Fishing Industry


  • Natural environment
  • Sustainable development
  • Marine
  • Marine Conservation Zones
  • Marine licensing
  • Common Fisheries Policy
  • Fish stocks
  • Shellfish
  • Sea angling
  • Science
  • Conservation
  • Marine Conservation
  • Consultations
  • Impact Assessments
  • DEFRA Policy
  • Sustainable Fishing
  • Bycatch
  • Discarding
  • Marine fisheries
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Shellfish
  • Retailers
  • Conservation
  • Recreational sector
  • Whales and dolphins