Independent Water Commission – Call for Evidence

Closes 23 Apr 2025

About you

Questions 1-9 cover information that will be used for data management and processing. For further information about how personal and identifiable information will be used as part of this Call for Evidence, please see the Call for Evidence privacy notice.  

The Independent Water Commission may publish the content of your response to this Call for Evidence in its interim and final reports. These reports will be publicly available, but your name and contact details (e.g. email address) will not be included.  

If there is any part of your response that you do not want to be published, please select ‘Yes’ below and specify which information should remain confidential along with your reasons.  

Unless a question is marked 'Required', the question is optional.

1. Would you like your response to be confidential?
2. If you answered yes, which information would you like to keep confidential and why?
3. Do you consent to being contacted by the Independent Water Commission about your response?
4. If you consented above, please provide your full name.
5. If you consented above, please provide your email address.
6. In what capacity are you completing this Call for Evidence?
7. What is the name of the organisation or interested group that you are responding on behalf of?
8. Where do you live?