Call for Evidence on updating the Native Breed at Risk (NBAR) List
This targeted Call for Evidence seeks views from invited stakeholders in the native breed sector, on proposed changes to the UK’s Native Breeds at Risk (NBAR) list and to inform policy development in this important area.
The NBAR list plays a dual role in spotlighting the vulnerability of native breeds at risk in the UK and determining payment eligibility for the UK agri-environment schemes.
The UK’s exit from the EU has created an opportunity to review and update the UK NBAR list, which currently includes population thresholds originally set by EU legislation.
We propose to create a new ‘Native Breed Support’ (NBS) list with population thresholds that align with international standards set by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). We also propose to amend original and semi-feral population categories to better reflect conservation policy on breeds at risk.
The use of these internationally recognised standards reflects independent scientific advice from Defra’s UK Genetics for Livestock and Equines Committee (UKGLE), who consider EU thresholds too high when considering “at risk” status, which means they do not focus breeder support efficiently. It will also align our reporting at national level, into systems such as the FAO Domestic Animal Diversity System (DAD-IS). These international standards are also used by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust “Watchlist”.
Utilising the latest UK Breed Inventory data, the proposed changes may impact eligibility for agri-environment schemes for some breeds.
We welcome views from those in the native breed sector who use the list on the proposals we are making.
- Stakeholders
- Animals
- Science
- Conservation
- Poultry industry
- Dairy industry
- Cattle
- Pigs
- Poultry
- Sheep and goats