Cornish Cyder Brandy Technical File consultation

Closed 28 Nov 2014

Opened 28 Oct 2014


The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the draft technical file for Cornish Cyder Brandy, which will form the basis of a new application for a Cornish Cyder Brandy Geographical Indicaiton (GI).  Cornish Cyder Brandy is currently produced by Healey’s Cornish Cyder Farm, who are responsible for the content of the draft technical file. Views are welcome from those with interests in the manufacture of spirit drinks in the UK, including retailers and consumer representatives. These views will be evaluated before finalising the official UK version of the technical file and the submission of an application for scrutiny and approval by the Commission and European Union Member States (MS).

By conducting this consultation, Defra will be able to ensure that the official technical file reflects the requirements of national legislation, satisfies UK commercial interests and provides the Commission and other Member States with sufficient evidence to support the approval of a Cornish Cyder Brandy GI.  The consulation will also help Defra anticipate objections from other MS and prepare appropriate responses.


  • Food Business Operators
  • Food Industry
  • Government Departments
  • Government Agencies
  • Devolved Administrations


  • Food standards
  • Protected food names