Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit
‘Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit' sets out the government's ambitions for farming in England and seeks the views of all readers on its proposals.
Why your views matter
The proposals in this paper set out a range of possible paths to a brighter future for farming. They are the beginning of a conversation, not a conclusion and we want everyone who cares about the food we eat and the environment around us to contribute.
- Environmental campaigners
- Animal welfare campaigners
- Food Industry
- Government Departments
- Government Agencies
- Devolved Administrations
- National Park Authorities
- Environmental professional services
- Consumer Groups
- All Defra staff and ALBs
- Walkers
- Farmers
- Horticulture Industry
- Tenant Farmers
- Agricultural Landlords
- Agricultural Valuers
- Land Agents
- Environmental Health Officers
- DEFRA Policy
- Egg industry
- Poultry industry
- Dairy industry
- Wine industry
- Food imports
- Food and drink exports
- Cattle
- Pigs
- Poultry
- Sheep and goats
- Animal diseases
- Animal welfare
- Livestock identification and movement
- Growing and crops
- Bee health
- Peat
- Farm management
- Single Payment Scheme (SPS)
- Cross compliance
- Common Agricultural Reform (CAP)
- Skills, education, training and new entrants
- Land management
- Environmental Stewardship
- Uplands
- Soil
- Forestry
- Retailers
- Livestock disease control
- Sheep, goat and deer production/marketing
- Meat Industry
- Rural economy and communities
- Rural grants and funding
- Rural Development Programme for England
- Forestry
- National Parks
- Nature reserves
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- Common land
- Conservation
- Industry organisations representing tenant farmers and landlords
- Solicitors specialising in agricultural law
- Rural Properties
- Recreational sector
- Protecting wildlife
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