Introduction of mandatory digital waste tracking

Closed 15 Apr 2022

Opened 21 Jan 2022


Over 200 million tonnes of waste is produced in the UK each year[1] but there is currently no single or comprehensive way of tracking it, with legislation relating to the transport, management and description of waste being introduced separately over the last 30 or so years. 

Large amounts of data are either not collected or not collated centrally. Multiple IT systems collect certain elements of waste tracking data. Some are paper-based, others digital, some are run by private contractors, others by the government, and where use of existing central digital systems is non-mandatory, take up is very low. As a result, it is very difficult to determine what happens to our waste and to have a comprehensive understanding of whether it has been recycled, recovered, or disposed of.

Joining these fragmented systems up and replacing paper-based record-keeping will make it much easier and less time consuming for legitimate waste companies to comply with reporting requirements whilst making it much harder for rogue operators to compete in the industry and commit waste crime including fly tipping, deliberate misclassification of waste, illegal waste exports and the operation of illegal waste sites.




Why your views matter

The UK Government, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland are working together to develop a central digital waste tracking service and through this joint consultation we are seeking views from all interested parties on the implementation of this service.

The Environment Act 2021 gives us the powers across the UK to make regulations to establish a digital waste tracking system and require those who producehandle, dispose of or make products from waste, to enter information onto it. 

This consultation focuses on the practical aspects of introducing digital waste tracking service to ensure that what we deliver will meet the needs of all those who will either be required to enter information onto it or who will draw information from it, including; businesses across all sectors, government, regulators, academia and the general public. 

The responses we receive will help inform the design of the service, refine our proposals and produce regulations to support the waste tracking service.

The questions are designed to be answered with reference to the consultation document below; please view this document as you answer the online survey.   Relevant information from the consultation document has also been provided at appropriate points throughout the online survey.



What happens next

Following the closure of the consultation, we will analyse the responses and publish a government response in due couse.


  • Charities/Voluntary Organisations
  • Environmental campaigners
  • Government Departments
  • Government Agencies
  • Devolved Administrations
  • Environmental professional services
  • Households
  • Local Authorities
  • Non-Household Customers
  • Waste Producers and Handlers
  • Business/Private Sector
  • Policy Teams
  • Transport Organisations
  • WEEE Treatment Facilities
  • Waste Management Companies
  • Non-Government Organisation
  • Member of the General Public


  • Waste and recycling