Consolidation of the Packaging Regulations

Closed 17 May 2016

Opened 23 Mar 2016


This is the statutory consultation regarding Defra’s intention to consolidate the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007 (the PWR 2007).

New SIs are continually being proposed and developed. This consolidation brings together those in existence since 2007, in order to reduce complexity (e.g. by deferring procedural details to the Schedules), on occasion providing greater clarity of language where there is ambiguity and making the Regulations more accessible by combining them into a single document. In consequence, the new Regulations read quite differently from the PWR 2007 and subsequent SIs. Language has been updated and the text aims to provide more uniformity in use of language and definition.

The consultation has been extended until the 17 May 2016 to allow more time for respondents to send us their views.

Why your views matter

This consolidation does not aim to bring any policy changes, i.e. the meaning of the law in the Packaging Waste Regulations 2016 should be identical to that of the PWR 2007 as amended by the subsequent SIs. Consequently, we are not asking for you to comment on policy issues, such as whether the Packaging waste Recovery Note (PRN) system is appropriate.

We are seeking comments solely on the consolidation in terms of clarity, for example: Is it logically structured? Is there a clear narrative and does it flow coherently? How readable is it? Does it use plain English and avoid the use of acronyms? Is it brief and to the point?

The Government does not intend to further amend the draft, aside from consideration of comments from this consultation. It is also our intention to establish a group of experts following the consultation to consider the final draft and provide a final review


  • Environmental campaigners
  • Government Departments
  • Government Agencies
  • Devolved Administrations
  • Environmental professional services
  • Local Authorities
  • Waste Producers and Handlers
  • SME businesses
  • Professional and Membership Organisations/Agencies
  • Public Bodies


  • Waste and recycling